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Giving: Why Sponsor

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

/ Winston Churchill


The Joshua School is committed to  helping each individual with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities attain the highest quality of life- valuing each unique mind, body and spirit. Together, with the support of our corporate partners, we can achieve that goal.


A corporate partnership with The Joshua School allows your organization to express social responsibility strategy clearly and concisely – helping build a community where everyone has a place and identity. Create a meaningful relationship with the impact, history and brand value of The Joshua School and make yourself stand out with your consumers, vendors, employees, peers or business partners.


We build customized partnerships by working with corporations of all sizes, allowing you to give back to your community through The Joshua School.

Contact us

Interested in increasing employee satisfaction? Contact our Partnerships team:


Development Office

The Joshua School

2303 E Dartmouth Avenue

Englewood, CO 80113

Tel: (303) 758-7171

Partners & Sponsors
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The Ansay Family


Eric & Katherine


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The Koroluk Zupon Family

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Brady Miller Family

2023 Gala Sponsors

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2023 School Sponsors


Thank you for cataloging our TJS family.

Englewood Campus

2303 E Dartmouth Avenue

Englewood, CO 80113

(303) 758-7171

Boulder Campus

7077 Harvest Road

Boulder, CO 80301

(303) 974-7732

Joshua Early Childhood Center

5760 E. Otero Avenue

Centennial, CO 80112

 (720) 583-6849


©2021 by The Joshua School 501(c3)-46-0557282

Mission Statement:  Mission Statement: The Joshua School is committed to helping individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities attain the highest quality of life--valuing each unique mind, body and spirit.

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